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Dance is a skill that can be transformed and utilized into many different career choices. While many dancers dream of being a professional dancer, there are other career choices where a background in dance could help set them up on a path to success.

If you are one of those who dream of dance as a career, make sure you take as many dance disciplines as possible to be a well-rounded and viable competitor. This is because

in this day and age, anywhere you want to work in the dance field requires you to be skilled in several dances. If you only have experience in a few dance disciplines it could limit your audition and potential job, opportunities.

This is also true for those who want to be choreographers. The best routines are varied and a combination of techniques and skills derived from several types of dances, so being skilled and trained, in as many types of dances as possible will help you to create more varied routines.

Speaking of training, make sure you train in an accredited dance school that have teachers that also have the proper experience and credentials to teach dance. Dance schools don’t have to have certain accreditations, or teachers that have actually been trained to teach dance, but the good ones, do. Do your homework before picking just any school to train in dance.

If you are someone who loves dance but don’t yearn for the spotlight, you could always use your dance training to become a teacher. Teaching is a rewarding and fulfilling career and you can find satisfaction in showing others the world of dance and how it can positively affect their lives, like it did yours.

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